(Media Section)
Within the care of MC to upgrade the employees qualifications, and within the Training Department duties in preparing and supervising the company training plan, this Thursday Aug. 04. 2022 in Hai Alakwakh a training course titled (Piping and Instrument Diagrams Reading) the course focused in training the employees on the mechanism of and how to read the kinds of Piping and Production and its contents and importance in the corporation in training and following up the production and maintenance process.
The course aims also to upgrade the skills of extracting the data from Diagrams and how to recognize the significant codes and their functions as well as the ability to follow up the complicated Diagrams and station operation to understand the work theories .
The conclusion Party was attended by Training Manager, superintendents and Employmental Upgrading Section Supervisor.
The course started in July 31 2022 continued for week including 12 trainees from both Micromachines and Production section of the Operations Department.