(Media Section)
In the framework of continuous pursuit of The N.O.C. Human Resources Department on training, developing and rehabilitation of competencies at the sector level and to the approval of NOC Board of Directors regarding the local training localization team’s recommendations which was constituted by The Human Resource General Department from various companies affiliated to the sector.
And by invitation from WOC member of the local training localization team, on Monday, correspondence to 04/Oct/2022 in the morning ,a meeting was held at the Hay Alakwakh offices included the team members to discuss and complete some points related to training and developing of employees within the oil sector.
The chairman of local training localization team, WOC member and Technical Training Section Supervisor toured the company training center and visited some technical workshops included welding workshop etc. which related to technical training section.
Training And Developing Department Manager and Local Training Supernatant ensured their welcome and support for the plans and programs of the local training localization and full support for the team and to their good performance for the employees regarding training at the oil sector.